The Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study University of London have launched a crowdsourced collection of resources for teachers, students and researchers exploring histories of race, migration and empire.
'This collection of links to resources on British histories of race, migration and empire is a collaboration with the Runnymede Trust as part of an effort to increase the presence of Black history, histories of colonialism and of migration in the UK history curricula.
We have asked for people to suggest useful sites, and you can make further suggestions via our webform.
The resources range widely in scope and type. We have organised them according to Key Stages, as well as listing resources for academic researchers, teachers, lecturers, tutors and others. As such, some resources may appear in several sections.
Join the conversation about this resource and the need for change in history education on Twitter using the hashtag #TeachRaceMigrationEmpire. Read an introductory blog post on Teaching British histories of race, migration and empire from the campaign's convenors, Hannah Elias and Sundeep Lidher.'